Keeping Christmas well means keeping the lights burning, even after we think there is darkness. Remember, love, and tell stories.
Tag: stories
Elsa, Anna, and Rebekah: How You Tell the Story
Preached July 6, 2014 in Ankeny UCC Genesis 24:34-67
Didymus Thomas
Preached April 27, 2014 in Ankeny UCC by Rev. Nathan Willard Sermon Text: John 20:19–31 We see Thomas in a moment of pain, confusion, and weakness. For this, he has been judged by the west as “Doubting Thomas.” But his story was different in India, where his disciples were found by Vasco De Gama in… Continue reading Didymus Thomas
Kings Shall Rise Up
Preached on January 19, 2014 in Ankeny UCC Sermon Text: Isaiah 49:1-7 In this complicated text, we are able to experience it with different ears. And it reminds us that in this world, things we take for granted may look different to other people. On this Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend, it is time to… Continue reading Kings Shall Rise Up
Lighting Up the World
Preached by Nathan Willard on January 5, 2014 in Ankeny UCC Sermon Text John 1:1-18 We get uncomfortable with the myths and mysteries of our faith, the things that go beyond our facts. With the incarnation, we are reminded that Jesus remains bigger than the worldview we can imagine. Here, we are able to transcend… Continue reading Lighting Up the World