Sermon Text: Matthew 21:33-46 We have the choice every day to steward better and live better. Jesus’s parable of the vineyard and tenants reminds us that it’s easy to mistake the story that God writes for one that we write. In worshipping God, we remind ourselves that we are not the owners of the world.… Continue reading What Are We Supposed to Do?
Tag: Matthew
Children in Palms
Sermon Text Matthew 21:1-11 Preached April 13, 2014 in Ankeny UCC What changes in the crowds between Sunday and Friday? When are we part of the anonymous acclimation, and when are we like Jesus’s disciples who quietly procure the donkey and colt he needs? Where will we be when the work must be done?
Reflections from the Snow
Preached on February 9, 2014 Sermon Text Matthew 5:13-20 Our faith calls us to ask big questions, not to fear them. As we embrace all the wonder and curiosity that science encourages, we must also make sure that it does not become an idol. With all changes in life, we must be aware of the… Continue reading Reflections from the Snow
Fishing in the Fields
Preached January 26, 2014 in Ankeny UCC by Nathan Willard Sermon Text Matthew 4:12-23 In his call to his first disciples, Jesus goes to where they are, and offers them the opportunity to continuing to work as they had been, only more so. Not only fishermen, they would be fishers of people, able to use… Continue reading Fishing in the Fields
Prophetic Imperfection
A homily delivered December 15, 2013 at Ankeny UCC. Sermon text Matthew 11:2-11 Where do we find our comfort and value? Do we look to the palaces of the mighty, or to the rough imperfections of the prophets? Where do we find our truth today? In the approval of those with higher status, or in… Continue reading Prophetic Imperfection