Hope for the future

Working on my sermon for tomorrow’s services at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, I wonder how folks who consistently preach without notes deal with the waiting period between sermon prep and sermon delivery. When I was writing manuscripts, I would stop when I hit the right note and then do another two rounds of… Continue reading Hope for the future

A New Light for a New Year

In my third year in Divinity School, I was given the wonderful opportunity to work with Rev. Alan Froggatt, Rev. Angie Menke Ballou, Mary Jane Clark, Bob Lague and Karen Mouton at Second Congregational Church of Beverly . This church does a wonderful job of honoring tradition while making space for new forms of worship,… Continue reading A New Light for a New Year

Billings Prize 2010

http://www.hds.harvard.edu/multimedia/video/the-2010-billings-preaching-prize An interesting day. A massive showing by the MDiv class of 2010, as there was no daylight between the three finalists (Karen Bray, Taylor Lewis Guthrie and me). Scott Dickison, also from 2010, brought it strong in the ordained category and Molly Housh (Gordon) gave us her scripture-reading stylings. I, again, went last. On… Continue reading Billings Prize 2010

Billings Prize 2009 finals

http://www3.hds.harvard.edu/news/events_online/billings_2009.html It was a marathon day, but well worth it. I went last of the folks who were available to preach on the day of the finals (scheduling it during passover meant that one contestant had to pre-record).